Transpersonal Therapy
Psychotherapy and any good form of healing is always an expansion of consciousness, not a repairing and restoration of previously known conditions. The shared understanding of all teachers at the Institute is that life always wants to develop further. When it stands still or turns in a circle, mechanical repetitive patterns arise - and a mechanically lived life has a tendency towards death. The transpersonal perspective offers various ways to grow beyond the personal. On the one hand, it does not stop at the limit of what is reasonably understandable: It certainly welcomes all knowledge that can help and uses it where it has its good place, but it also sees people unhappily impoverished by the conventional tabooing of the mysterious. There is, in an absurd way, an unspoken prohibition for the vast majority to openly honour and celebrate the mystery within. At the same time, many people show a great need - even in the most trivial forms of everyday life - for what cannot be explained and what cannot and should not be unraveled.
This openness to the numinous in the sense of C.G. Jung is one thing. On the other hand, we observe and experience the personal in broad outlines as a learned story that forced us as children into more or less mechanical thought and feeling patterns - and still does so. From an expanded consciousness, such an adapted routine seems to rather serve an attitude of survival than to live life from a place of abundance. When working with holotropic states of consciousness, the birth process plays a central role. Stanislav Grof calls it the perinatal; at this level, the personal and the transpersonal appear intertwined. It is the space in which our life patterns are woven. Here we encounter the limits of our existence and win by losing. When crossing this space you will finally understand yourself "as a spiritual being having a human experience" (Teilhard de Chardin).
The transpersonal path opens up the chance to wake from the familiar mechanics, to grow step by step beyond your personal history, and to discover the being in us which we truly are "behind" our involuntarily learned story and which we can grow more and more into.
Ultimately, it is all about the question “Who am I” and the answer that cannot be understood, but eventually realized and lived.