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Ingo Jahrsetz, Freiburg i.Br./Germany
Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Breathwork.
Seminars and workshops in Germany, Europe, the United States, and China; lectures and scientific work.
Supervision Transpersonal Psychotherapy.
Initiator and honorary chairman of the Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN) in Germany.
Co-Founder and director of the International Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy, Freiburg.
Member of the Board of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA)
Former President of EUROTAS. Psychotherapeutic practice in Wittnau near Freiburg/Germany.
Psychotherapeutic Trainings
Psychoanalytic-oriented Psychotherapy; Systemic Family Therapy; Psychodrama; Systemic Constellations. Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioner (Dr. Stanislav und Christina Grof).
Holotropes Atmen – Psychotherapie und Spiritualität, Verlag Klett-Cotta (book).
Various articles published in different journals
Rainer Pervöltz, Freiburg i.Br./Germany
Rainer Pervöltz grew up in Berlin. After finishing his studies in German and French literature he was invited to California and discovered there his true profession: he found several teachers, who taught him forms of Gestalt- and Bodytherapy, particularly Jack Lee Rosenberg and Eric Marcus. Here he also got in contact for the first time with different Buddhist and Taoist schools. Andrew DaPassano become his first spiritual teacher.
In London he studied Biodynamic Psychotherapy with Gerda Boyesen; for several years he worked as trainer for the Biodynamic Institute and founded later with friends the Chiron Centre, a place for psychotherapy and training. He lived in England for twelve years. Then he felt drawn back to Germany. Freiburg became his chosen hometown. Here too, he developed with friends a psychotherapy school, the Transpersonal School for Psychology and Psychotherapy.
He learned much from Mantak Chia in the framework of Taoist energywork, and Arnold Mindell became one of his most important teachers in the large field of the dreambody.
As therapist, supervisor, and teacher he works in Germany and other European countries.
Publications: – Über die Köstlichkeit der Distanz“, Holotropos-Verlag, Offenburg, Juli 2009
– Several articles printed in different books (in German)
Bernadette Blin, Paris/France
Clinical and Social Psychologist.
Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Gestalt-therapist, Teacher and Supervisor.
Certified in Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology by Stan Grof.
Initiated by shamans from different traditions (Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Siberia, United States…).
Founder of the Evolutive Relaxation method in 1983.
Trainer of transpersonal psychotherapists in France and worldwide.
Staff member of CesHum (The French Transpersonal School) and IIBP (International Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy) in Germany.
Certified EUROTAS psychotherapist.
Former President of EUROTAS.
Author of many articles on Transpersonal Psychotherapy.
Co-author of “Healing the ego, revealing the being, the challenge of Transpersonal Therapies” (Tredaniel), “Manual of Transpersonal Psychotherapy” (Interéditions) and “When Consciousness will awaken” (L’Harmattan).
In my teachings and writings, I focus on the importance of opening our heart and our consciousness to embrace everyone and everything life is offering us. I am deeply concerned at this stage of my life by the future of humanity and how as transpersonal psychotherapists and teachers we can transmit tools, awareness, knowledge and experiences that will help human beings to create a more sustainable and fraternal world.
Dr Regina U. Hess, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology (U.S.) &
Qualitative Research/Embodied Phenomenology (UK)
Clinical Psychologist (BA and MA equivalent, Germany)
Certified in the body-mind-spirit practices program “Trauma Healing and Transformation,” Capacitar International, U.S.
Body-oriented integrative Gestalt therapy and creative therapy (Fritz Perls Institute, Germany)
Meditation & traditional healing traditions
International speaker & author, arts & film
EUROTAS Board of Directors (www.eurotas.org)
Co-Founder EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research
Regina works in a Private Clinic for Psychological Medicine and in Transpersonal Psychotherapeutic Private Practice in Cologne/Germany, and is specialized in body-oriented transpersonal approaches to work around individual, collective, and transgenerational forms of trauma.
Her further passion includes qualitative transpersonal research into experiences of healing, self-realization and consciousness, and the use of art, music, and film for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. She travels the world to study traditional healing traditions.
Prof. Magda Solé, Barcelona/Spain
Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Founder and director of IPTB Institut of Transpersonal Psychology of Barcelona (Spain)
Founder of ACT Catalan Transpersonal Association
Pioneer of Transpersonal Psychology in Spain since 1990
Co-founder of Holos Shamanic Expeditions
Academic degrees:
Psychology and Philosophy Barcelona University
Post degree in Psychosomatics
Training in Respiration Holotropique and Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Master in Transpersonal Management (Coaching)
Psychoanalysis and Psychodiagnosis training
Training in Psychosynthesis in México and USA
Professor in University of Barcelona (UB)
Open University of Catalonia (UOC)
Research campaigns with Mexican shamans and indigenous communities.
She organizes groups of Shamanic transformation in Mexico and Siberia since 1990.
Collaborated with the Institut de Recherche et d’Etude en Thérapie Transpersonnelle, (IRETT), in Paris.
Member of EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association) and Board Council and ECCA (EUROTAS Committee for Certification and Accreditation of Transpersonal Psychotherapy).
Co-author of the books: Planet, Culture, Consciousness (Mandala Ed.), Brain 2.0 (Ed Robin Book.), and Alucinogenos, (Ed Neurociencias), articles and lectures at conferences throughout the world and at mass media.
Jaume Mestres, Barcelona/Spain
Transpersonal Coach and Trainer.
Academic degree in Tourism CETT
Founder of IPTB Barcelona Psychologist Transpersonal Institute
Board Member of the European Transpersonal Association EUROTAS (www.eurotas.org).
Director of Holos Shamanic Expeditions: Seminars and travels specialized for groups focussing on personal and spiritual growth cultivated in ancient wisdom of traditional villages in Mexico, Uzbekistan and Siberia.
Co-author of the books Travel, Feeling and Thinking (Ed. UOC) and Transpersonal: planet, culture, and consciousness (Mandala Ediciones)
Dr Gennady Brevde, St. Petersburg/Russia
Psychologist, certified transpersonal psychotherapist, professor of PPL / EAP
Member of EUROTAS Board & Committee for Certification & Accreditation, member of the Board of Russian Association of Transpersonal Psychology & Psychotherapy, member of Council of Modalities of PPL / EAP, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Psychological Sciences and Baltic Pedagogical Academy.
Psychotherapeutic practice in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Novgorod, Kazan and Chita, Russia.
Counselor and psychotherapist for individuals, couples and families.
Trainer for Transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy.
Gennady is trained in body-oriented psychotherapy with Irina Kuris and with Nina Andreeva and Nikolay Kudryashov.
Further training in different Breathing therapies (Vladimir Kozlov and German Karelsky).
Process-oriented Psychotherapy with Rainy Hauser.
Family therapy, Psychodrama and Gestalt therapy with Prof. Edmund Eidemiller.
In his work Gennady use author’s methods and psychotechniques produced with application of breath techniques, body-oriented psychotherapy, process-work, art-techniques and theatre-techniques, processes of active imagination.
Author of more than 40 articles and sections of a monograph dedicated to the problems of philosophical anthropology and depth psychology.
Application of myths, theatric sketches and techniques, dance, body expression and bodywork in psychotherapy, human development, achieving integrity.
Contact +7 921 9337307, www.sapientterra.ru, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof Dr Sergey Strekalov, St. Petersburg/Russia
MD, PhD, Grand Doctor of psychological sciences, corresponding member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (MAPN), a certified European transpersonal psychotherapist.
Member of professional psychotherapeutic and psychological communities. In 2010 he was awarded a Diploma of MAPN for outstanding contributions to psychology.
Founder and President of the International Transpersonal Association “Wholeworld”, which became in 2009 legal member of EUROTAS.
One of the leading transpersonal psychologists in Russia. An expert in the field of integrative psycho-techniques and altered states of consciousness. Dedicated his life to the study of spiritual practices around the world. In the early 90s of the 20th century led the research impact of breathing psycho techniques (Transpersonal Breathwork, rebirthing, vivation) on the state of consciousness.
Author of personal growth practice, “Games in Space”, based on the unity of internal and external living space and possibilities of their transformation.
Author of the monograph “Life as the evolution of the soul”, and of many scientific and popular articles, and over one hundred training programs and training courses on transpersonal psychology.
Trainer of the International Research Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy (Freiburg, Germany) and the Institute of Integrative Psychology Professional Development (Moscow, Russia).
For more than 25 years spent more than 600 seminars in cities across Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic countries.
Conducts author seminars and training courses on Transpersonal Psychology (respiratory and shamanic, Psychology of Selves (method Voice Dialogue), meditation, spiritual rituals and traditions), counseling, coaching. Organize and conduct expeditions and trips to places of power in Russia and other countries in the world.
Psychology of Selves trained by R. Stamboliev, director of the Institute of Transformational Psychology in the Netherlands.
Since 1997, conducted dozens of «Voice Dialogue» workshops and individual consultations in many cities in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltics. He researched this method for many years and developed a new practical direction of its use.
Contact data of professor S. Strekalov: +79112163563, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Olga Mokhina, Volgograd/Russia
Psychologist, full member of the Russian Association of Transpersonal Psychology & Psychotherapy, full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League.
Director of the psychological center “Vysota” (literally “Height” or “Ascension” in Russian).
Head of the Supervisory Board of Volzhsky mental and neurological clinic. Coordinator of the project of the psychological help to the patients with cancer diseases.
Practicing transpersonal psychologist.
Studied process-oriented therapy with Arnold and Amy Mindell, body-oriented psychotherapy with Mark Sandomirsky and Andrey Ermoshin, biological feedback with Aleksandr Smetankin.
Qualified in various breathing psychotechniques, such as Holotropic Breathwork, rebirthing, vivation. Collaborated with leading expert in breathing techniques – Vladimir Maykov, German Karelsky and Vladimir Kozlov.
Studied shamanic traditions in Siberia, Mexico and Venezuela, martial and healing taoist methods with grandmaster Lee Hong Tai, Buddhist breathing and yoga practices of Yantra Yoga.
Author of original techniques of emergency psychological help, self-recuperation and personal growth.
Psychological practice in London, Moscow, Volgograd and other cities.
Contact +7 927 2522843, www.olamo.ru, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof Dr Vladimir Maykov, Moscow/Russia
Vladimir Maykov, Ph.D. is a pioneer of transpersonal studies in Russia. Since 1990, he has developed and taught more than 15 teaching and training programs in transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy.
He is the author of «Elements of Transpersonal Psychology» (2000), «Holotropic Breathing: History, Sources, Research, Clinics» (2001), «Transpersonal Psychology: Sources, History, Present-day State» (2004) and «Transpersonal Project: Psychology, Anthropology, Spiritual Traditions» (2007).
He founded an international publishing project to publish transpersonal psychology texts in Russian and has edited about 80 books for this project.
He is senior research associate at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Chair of Transpersonal Psychology at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.
He is founding President and Board member of the Russian Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy and founder of Transpersonal Project – organization for promoting the whole spectrum of transpersonal knowledge.
Sandra Mahr, Zurich/Switzerland
Qualified social science teacher, Yoga teacher, postgraduate student in systemic counselling (masters course)
6 years training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Breathwork and Spiritual Guidance
Seminars in Transpersonal Breathwork in Switzerland
I am a qualified social science teacher and work with children and adolescents. Currently, I am studying the postgraduate course „MAS Systemic Counselling“.
More than 10 years ago, Yoga brought me to Transpersonal Breathwork. I completed a training in Transpersonal Breathwork (Holotropes Atmen) with Dr Ingo Jahrsetz and Judith Miller, PhD and worked as an assistant in their breathwork seminars. I now offer my own seminars in Transpersonal Breathwork in Switzerland.
Dr Robert Hirsch, Copenhagen/Denmark
Robert Hirsch, M.D., born 1971 in Leipzig. Medical studies at Leipzig University and training in clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy in Leipzig and London. From 2008 to 2018 residential training in mindfulness and Buddhist Psychology at Plum Village Zen Monastery under the direction of Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh. Since 2015 practice and training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy (Respiration Holotropique) at CesHum (Paris) and since 2018 training in Non-Violent Communication with Robert Gonzales, PhD (Center for Living Compassion, Portland, Oregon). Focusses on the interface between traditional Eastern contemplative practice (attention and pure awareness) and Western psychotherapeutic approaches.
My personal path has led me from clinical psychiatry to mindfulness and transpersonal practice. This path unfolds as a continuous uncovering of layers of psycho-physical constriction that keeps me from a full contact with the present moment, and a deep yearning for an unimpeded, fully embodied and universally connected being-in-the-world. I see this path as a parallel movement of sinking back into the Source and a reaching out into the fullness of the physical world. This 'static movement' expresses itself in two main dimensions: the 'inner' (contemplative) and the 'outer', embodied connection with the 'other'. In my experience, these dimension tend to unfold effortlessly in a space of empathic presence, but they can also be catalysed through certain practices (such as Holotropic Breathing). For me, the fundamental approach to this process is a non-directive, unconditional being-with-the-other.